Georgia Sensation members share a love for music and singing four-part harmony.
As a member, you too can experience the exhilaration of performing and singing with us. Any woman of average singing ability, with or without vocal training, will find a part that fits her voice range with the help of the chorus' musical leaders.
Become a member and be part of the Singing, Friendship, and Fun!
Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide women's singing organization committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through opportunities in education, performance, and competition. Sweet Adelines International is one of the world's largest singing organizations for women, with a membership of 15,000 and choruses and quartets across the globe. Its members have been singing four-part barbershop a cappella harmony since 1945.
Do you have a passion for vocal excellence and performance? Join our growing group!
We are honored to be guests of Peachtree Corners Baptist Church, and you can join us there at rehearsal any Thursday at 7:15 pm.
Peachtree Corners Baptist Church
4480 Peachtree Corners Cir.
Peachtree Corners, GA 30092
Call us at 770-744-0329 or click below.